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2008年武汉市中考真题 英语试卷

  武汉市2008年初中毕业生学业考试 英语试卷

                                        2008 年武汉中考各科真题答案汇总
                                        2008 年武汉市初中毕业生语文试卷及参考答案
                                        2008 年武汉市初中毕业生数学试卷及参考答案
                                        2008 年武汉市初中毕业生英语试卷及参考答案
                                        2008 年武汉市初中毕业生科学试卷及参考答案
                                        2008 年武汉市中考思品,历史合卷及参考答案

          1.A. It's James..      B. It's Billy's.         C. It's on the desk.
          2.A. She is sleeping.    B. She is a teacher.   C. She is well.
          3.A. On the third floor.B. It's very big.      C. He is working in it.
          4. A. Never mind.      B. Not a bit.         C. Of course.
          5. A. At three in the afternoon.   B. About tomorrow's class    C. In Class One.
          6. What will the weather be like on Friday?
          A. It'll be sunny.         B. It'll be rainy.          C. It'll be windy.
          7. What time does the girl go to bed on Saturday evening?
          A. At 9:30.              B At 11:00.               C. At 12:00.
          8. What's the present for Anna?
          A. A bike.               B. A dictionary.        C. A dress.
          9. What does Annie mean?
          A. She knows the man's name. B. She has seen the man before. C. She doesn't know the man at all.
          10. What did the man and his father think of the game?
          A. They liked the game very much.  B. The game wasn't very exciting.
          C. It was bad to leave at the half time.

zkthree 发表于 2016-7-24 14:12:48

          11. How far is Green Street?
          A. Half an hour's walk.         B. Four hours' walk.      C. Half an hour's bus ride.
          12.When will the next bus come?
          A. At about 7:30.               B. At about 1:30.         C. At about 4:00.
          13. How will the man probably go to Green Street?
          A. By bus.                      B. On foot.                  C. By taxi.
          14. What does the man want to know about the trip?
          A. Where to go.               B. When to leave.            C. How much to pay.
          15. Which is the man interested in?
          A. Cafes.                     B. America.                  C. Museums.
          16. What will the man probably do?
          A. He will visit countryside.  B. He will go to France.
          C. He will stay here for 3 weeks.
          17. What are they taking about?
          A. A football match.             B. Around the World.          C. TV programs.
          18. When will the program Around the World begin?
          A. At nine o'clock.            B. At one o'clock.            C. Tomorrow morning.
          19. What do you think Sally will do?
          A. She will turn off the TV and go to sleep.   B. She will read a newspaper instead.
          C. She will watch the football match.
          20. What do we know from the dialogue?
          A. They are both going to watch the football match.  B. They watch TV every night.
          C. Both of them like watching football matches.
          21.What did the old man think was important to kids?
          A. Playing modern games.         B. Keeping small animals.      C. Telling right from wrong.
          22. Where were the boys?
          A. In the park.                  B. On the street.            C. At home.
          23. What were the boys doing?
          A. Telling a story.  B. Waiting for the old gentleman.  C. Discussing who could take the cat.
          24. Why did the boys agree to give the cat to the old man?
          A. Because the old man was their teacher.
          B. Because they thought the old man told the biggest lie.
          C. Because they wanted the old man to tell a lie.
          25. What can we learn from the passage?
          A. The old man didn't want the cat at all.
          B. The boys didn't think they should tell lies.
          C. The boys thought the old man had never told a lie.

zkone 发表于 2016-7-24 15:36:26

          26. —When ______ your mother _______ you that blue dress, Mary?
          —Sorry, I really can't remember.
          A. does; buy                B. has; bought
          C. had; bought            D. did; buy
          27. —Can your father drive?
          —Yes, and he usually _____ to school.
          A. drove   B. is driving      C. drives      D. has driven
          28. —Hasn't Betty come yet?
          —No, and I ____ for her for nearly 2 hours.
          A. wait      B. waited       C. have waited       D. had waited
          29. —May I use your ruler?
          A. Yes, please               B. You are nice
          C. It doesn't matter         D. It was a pleasure
          30. —Do you know ____?
          —Sorry, I don't know.
          A. where does Jimmy work         B. where Jimmy works
          C. how does Jimmy go to work      D. what does Jimmy do
          31. —Have you seen my glasses? I ____ find them.
          —Sorry, I haven't seen them.
          A. can't       B. shouldn't          C. won't       D. mustn't
          32. —Nancy, it's too hot. Put the fish in the fridge, or it will _____ bad.
          —Ok, Mom!
          A. go      B. change      C. feel         D. keep
          33. —May I have another cake?
          —You'd better not. You shouldn't go swiming on a _______ stomach.
          A. hot          B. hungry         C. fat            D. full
          34. —Hey, Turn it off! We don't ______ music in the reading-room.
          —Oh, I'm sorry, madam.
          A. like      B. hear          C. play          D. allow
          35. —Are you ___ from America?
          —No, none of us.
          A. both          B. all          C. any         D. either
          36. —Peter, I think we need to buy a new car.
          —Oh, no! We are ____ out of money, you know?
          A. trying         B. going       C. getting         D. running
          37. —Bill is ill. Do you know what's wrong with him?
          —Poor boy. His illness is the ___ of eating unhealthy food.
          A. result         B. cause         C. reason         D. end
          38. —Why did you come back so early?
          —The English party has been ___ till next Friday.
          A. put on       B. put off      C. put away         D. put out
          39. —Hurry up, Jack!
          —Just give me five minutes to put my desk in ___ .
          A. time       B. line         C. order         D. shape
          40. —You mean I haveto go there by myself, for you are not free.
          —Yeah, ___ .
          A. you mean it            B. you think it
          C. you got it               D. you did it

                                        2008 年武汉中考各科真题答案汇总
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