中考网 发表于 2016-6-29 14:15:07


   IX. 任务型阅读:本题为09年新增题型。旨在使试题贴近教学实际,提高试题的实效性和针对性,从而进一步落实新课标要求,促进教育教学改革。
   On a ship, far out at sea, a sailor looks up at the sky. He sees a beautiful white bird. It is flying high up in the sky. It is an albatross (信天翁). The sailor is happy to see it. Many sailors belie e that if they see an albatross, they will ha e good luck.
   Albatrosses are sea birds. They fly o er the sea to look for fish to eat. They only go onto land to look after their babies, or “chicks”. Albatross chicks can’t fly. They li e on land until they can learn to fly. Their parents bring them fish to eat.
   Sometimes an albatross has to fly more than 3,000 kilometers to find food for its chick. It may be away for two weeks. The chick must learn to fly quickly. When it is four months old, the parents lea e it. Then the young albatross must find its own food.
   Albatrosses are big. Their wings measure more than two meters from tip to tip. They can fly for many days without stopping. They can e en sleep while they are flying! Albatrosses use the wind to help them fly. With the wind under them, they don’t need to mo e their wings for many hours.
   Albatrosses can li e for forty or fifty years. Like sailors, they li e most of their li es at sea. Perhaps that is why sailors call albatrosses their friends.
   判断正误、英译汉及回答问题。(1为判断,2为翻译,3—5为 简略回答问题)1. The sailor is happy to see an albatross at sea because it is a big bird. (T or F)
   2. Put the underlined sentence (in Paragraph 3) into Chinese.
   3. What do albatrosses eat for their food?
   4. When do albatrosses’ parents lea e their chicks?
   5. Why do the sailors regard albatrosses as their friends?
  2.5   基础写作
   (A)连词成句,旨在考查考生对初中阶段英语句子种类和基本句型的掌握情况,同时为书面表达做一个思维铺垫。引导教师在日常教学中按照“句——— 段———篇”的训练顺序,由易到难,循序渐进,训练学生的写作能力。
  A. 连词成句
   【题例】 pets, ha e, Henry, how, does, many
   答案:How many pets does Henry ha e? 08年考试五个句子分别考查
   1. schoolbag, is, your, it      一般疑问句
   2. pets, ha e, Henry, how, does, many       特殊疑问句
     ________________________________________________   ? 
   3. e-mail, tomorrow, will, an, send, Jim, I      含双宾语的简单句
   4. helped, night, he, maths, me, last, with, my   主谓宾结构的陈述句
   5. cross, traffic, red, are, the, when, don’t, street, the, lights
     ________________________________________________   .  
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查看完整版本: 2009年葫芦岛中考英语考试说明3