中考网 发表于 2017-9-27 22:05:46

2018初中英语写作之A Lazy Johnson

  新一轮中考复习备考周期正式开始,中考网为各位初三考生整理了中考五大必考学科的知识点,主要是对初中三年各学科知识点的梳理和细化,帮助各位考生理清知识脉络,熟悉答题思路,希望各位考生可以在考试中取得优异成绩!下面是《2018初中英语写作之A Lazy Johnson》,仅供参考!
          Mr Johnson looked at this watch.It was 7:30.He got out of bed quickly.Then he washed and dressed.He was late as usual,so he did not have time for breakfast.He ran all the way to the bus stop and arrived there just in time to catch his bus.Mr Johnson never eats anything in the morning.He always says to his friends:It's nice to have breakfast in the morning,but it's nicer to lie in bed.
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