新一轮中考复习备考周期正式开始,中考网为各位初三考生整理了中考五大必考学科的知识点,主要是对初中三年各学科知识点的梳理和细化,帮助各位考生理清知识脉络,熟悉答题思路,希望各位考生可以在考试中取得优异成绩!下面是《2018初中英语写作之冰激淋》,仅供参考!Mr. Black has just bought an ice cream. He is enjoying eating it on the street, when he suddenly sees Mrs. White coming towards him with a dog next to her. He doesn‘t want Mrs. White to see his ice cream, so he hides it behind him. When they stop to greet each other and start to talk, her dog moves around and finds the ice cream. Then it begins to enjoy eating it. So guess what Mr. Black can do next.