中考网 发表于 2016-7-7 12:12:55


第I卷选择题 (共50分)
        Ⅰ. 单项选择(共15分,每小题1分)
        1.My grandfather _______ a lot of changes in Dalian since he came here .
        A. sees      B. can see          C. will see    D. has seen
        2.Many accidents _________ by careless drivers last year .   
        A. are caused      B.were caused   C. have caused   D. will cause
        3.Her mother was out . She stayed at home _____, but she didn't feel ______.
        A. alone, lonelyB. lonely, aloneC. alone, aloneD. lonely, lonely
          4.I'd like to know _________.
        一、when will he give back the tape      
        二、whether has he received higher education         
        三、that he has been busy
        四、whether she will join in our English Evening         
        5.He liked the film in _______ his favorite actor , Will Smith, played .
        A. what          B. where          C. which         D. who
        6.He _______ think exercise was important to health ____ he got ill .
        A. didn't ; after                  B. doesn't ; after
              C. didn't until                      D. doesn'tuntil
          7.People should _____ from throwing the rubbish everywhere .
        A. be stopped      B. stopped       C. stop      D. stopping
        8.After the exams , we shall have _______ holiday .
        A. two-weeks      B. two-week    C. a two week      D. a two-week
        9.You'd better not read today's newspaper because there is ________ in it .
              A. anything new         B. nothing special   
              C. important anything    D. something interesting
        10.---- I hear that China is building an Aircraft Carrier ( 航空母舰 )
             ---- _______ great news it is !
        A. What      B. What a      C. How   D. How a
        11.You ____ cross the road when the traffic lights are red . It's dangerous.
        A. needn't      B. wouldn't      C. may not         D. mustn't
        12. ---- I heard Nancy made English speech at the graduation ceremony
        (典礼) yesterday .
           ---- ________, and ___________ .
             A.So she was ; so I was      B. So did she; so I did
          C.So she did ; so did I         D. So was she ; so I was
          13. Could you tell me __with the broken desk ? It has been here for a few
             weeks .      
              A . how to do    B. what to do    C. when to do    D. why to do
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查看完整版本: 辽宁省2012年中考模拟(一)英语试题