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[练习题] 2010年中考英语试题分类汇编一:单项选择名词









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发表于 2016-8-18 23:00:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
        (2010湖南省娄底市6. 1)-It's said that you have moved into a new house.?
        -Yeah, and we need to buy some     in the mall nearby.?
        A. food    B.furniture     C. hamburger?
        (2010.四川省内江市26. 1)-Well,you look so happy!   
          --Because I got a good ________.
        A.work                B.news                C.job
        (2010江苏省宿迁市15. 1)Sandy didn't tell her parents that she was going home because she wanted to give them a _______.
        A. gift         B. call           C. surprise         D. note        
        (2010年上海市33. 1)You can get much_____about the World Expo on the Internet.
        A.map                B.picture            C.ticket    D.information
        (2010年上海市51. 1)The customers are pleased with the________of the restaurant.
        A.balance            B.experience            C.surface                D.service
        (2010·福建省晋江市,32,1)-Lily has a silk __________.Listen,she is singing in the next room!
           -- How nice!.
        A. look                     B. noise                     C. voice
        (2010·江苏省扬州市,12,1)-Wow,so many beautiful cars!I don't know which one to buy.
          --Anyway ,you have to make a________.
        A.conclusion    B.connection    C.decision        D.presentation
        (2010·吉林省通化市,38,1)We need to come up with a/an________and make a decision at once.
        A.information    B.advice        C.idea            D.news
        (2010·浙江省湖州市,17,1)-Would you like some _______?
          --No,thank you.I'm not hungry at all.
        A.water            B.books            C.clothes        D.bread
        (2010·山西省,17,1)I Iike______ a Iot, and my mother usuaIIy cooks it in different ways.
            A.fish           B.potatoes        C.noodIes
        (2010·湖北省荆州市,25,1) -When will the 2010 World Expo(世博会) come to a close?
        -It'll close at the end of ________.
        A.September          B.October        C.November          D.December
        (2010·湖北省武汉市,35,1)-Why are you still waiting in line?
           --I've missed my _______ .   
         A. place          B. order            C. turn           D. time
        (2010·河南省,27,1)(  )It was very hard for me to make a-but J decided to leave my job
            A suggestion    B decision    C plan          D speech
        (2010·湖北省黄冈市,42,1)-Good news.We will have a _______holiday.
          --I've heard of it.But it's coming in_______.
        A.three days;three days' time        B.three days';three days'
        C.three-day;three days            D.three days;three-day time
        (2010·山东省聊城市,33,1)-Why not go to Qingdao on May Day,Jim?
          --I'm afraid it's not a good ________.I have been there several times.
        A.way            B.place            C.advice            D.idea
        (2010·新疆省阜康市,24,1)(    )Mr Black gave us ______on how to learn English well.
        A.an advice        B.many advices    C.some advice        D.some advices
        (2010·湖北省黄石市,29,1)- With whom did you watch 2010 World Cup Opening Ceremony ?
        - _________.
        A. A friend of mine                        B. A friend of me
        C. A friend of my sister                    D. A friend of you
        (2010·湖北省荆门市,22,1)Oh, my god! The kids are making too much____▲ ___ here. I can't do anything.
               A. sound            B. voice            C. noise          D. footstep   
        (2010·湖北省黄石市,32,1)    - You seem to like watching TV very much . Which _______ do you like best ?   
        - Lucky 52. I like Li Yong very much.
        A. programme            B. screen         C. progress         D. Deseription
        (2010·湖北省襄樊市,26,1)- What's your job , Henry?
        - I'm a ________ ,I work late . I'm very busy when people go out to dimters .
        A. waiter             B. reporter         C. teacher        D. nurse
        (2010·黑龙江省鸡西市,21,1)(   ) -How many ______can you see in the picture?
                -Only one.
                 A. dog                 B. sheep             C. child
        (2010·广西省定西市,2,1)(   )--What's your     ?
          --I like swimming.
        A. job  B. age  C.hobby  D. number
        (2010·广西省定西市,16,1)(   )--What would you like,sir?
        --     .
        A. Two pop    B. Two bottles pop  C. Two bottles of pop  D. Two bottle of pop
        (2010·山东省莱芜市,17,1)I have a.______  for breakfast everyday.
        A.hot dog              B.cookie              C.dumpling            D.hamburger
        (2010·山东省菏泽市,21,1)Please pick up the _______. Don't keep it on the floor.
            A. water      B. paper    C. books       D. bottles
        (2010·黑龙江省哈尔滨市,22,1)(       ) A low-carbon(低碳) lifestyle has ___________ effect on our daily life. People are paying more and more attention to saving ____________ these days.
                    A. the, energies            B. a, energy        C. an, energy
        (2010福建三明22. 1)-What a fine day! Shall we go hiking ,Bob?
          --I'd love to.But is's not the right ________.I am busy now.
        A.place            B.moment        C.weather
        (2010·天津市,31,1)If you work hard,you'll get good ________.
        A.grades                  B.notes            C.lessons            D.answers
        (2010·山东省泰安市,27,1)-Lucy,do you like ________?
          -Yes.Most of my clothes are __________.  
        A.an orange an orange                B.orange ,orange
        C.oranges ,oranges                    D.orange,an orange

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