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2017北京中考英语阅读理解训练:an express ideas









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发表于 2017-2-16 16:24:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  2017中考英语阅读理解训练:an express ideas
          Every people uses its own special words to describe things an express ideas. Some of these expressions are commonly used for many years. Others are popular for just a short time. One such American expression is “ Where?s the beef?” It is used when something is not as good as it is said to be. In the early 1960s, “Where?s the beef” was one of the most popular expressions in the United States. It seemed as if everyone was using it all the time.
          Beef, of course, is the meat from a cow, and probably no food is more poplar in America than the hamburger mad from beef. In the 1960s a businessman named Ray Kroc began building small restaurants that sold hamburgers at a low price. Kroc called his restaurant “ McDonald?s. Kroc cooked hamburgers quickly so people in a hurry could buy and eat hem without waiting. By the end of the 1960s the McDonald?s Company was selling hamburgers in hundreds of restaurants from California to Maine. Not surprisingly, Ray Kroc became one of the riches businessmen in America.
          Other business people watched his success. Some of them opened their own hamburger restaurants. One company, called: Wendy?s” began to compete with McDonald?s Wendy?s said its hamburgers were bigger than those sold by McDonald?s or anyone else?s. The Wendy?s company created the expression” Where?s the beef?” to make people believe that Wendy?s hamburgers were the biggest. It produced a television advertisement to sell this idea. The Wendy?s television advertisement showed three old women eating hamburgers. The bread that covered the meat was very big, but in side there was only a tiny bit of meat. One of the women said she would not eat a hamburger with such a little piece of beef. “Where?s the beef?” she shouted in a funny voice. These advertisements for Wendy?s hamburger restaurants were a success from the first day they appeared on television. As we said, it seemed everyone began using the expression “where?s the beef?”
          67. What does the expression “Where?s the beef?” mean?
          A.The beef is lost
          B.The beef is not as good as it is said to be
          C.Something is not as good as described
          D.The food has turned bad.
          68. Wendy?s made the expression known to everybody______.
          A. by a newspaper advertisement
          B. by writing letters to people
          C. by a TV advertisement
          D. by a notice in front of the restaurant
          69. Hamburgers are so popular in America____.
          A.Because they are made from beef.
          B.Because they are cheaper than any other kind of food
          C.Because hamburger is the only fast food in America
          D. Because they are served quickly and at a low price
          70. Other people wanted to open hamburger restaurants______.
          A. because they thought they could make large profit
          B. because hamburgers are easy to make
          C. because they could sell hamburgers throughout the country
          D. because hamburgers are good to eat.

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