When talking about the exam, every student feel bad, because exam means so much for them, all of them want to do well, but not every student can have the good result. As a student, I need to take the exam now and then, I was afraid of the exam before, but since my mom tells me not to care much about the result, I am afraid of it any more. In my eye, the exam is just a way of testing how our study is going on, we need to learn things from the exam, that is the meaning of the exam. So don’t take the exam as a serious thing, just relax and learn things.
当谈到考试的时候,每个学生都会感觉糟糕,因为考试对他们来说意味着很多,他们都想做得很好,但是并不是每个学生都能得到好的结果。作为一名学生,我需要时而不时地参加考试,以前我很害怕考试,但是自从我的妈妈告诉我不要对结果太在意那时起,我就不再害怕了。在我眼中,考试只是测试我们学习情况的一种方式,我们需要从考试中学到东西,这就是考试的意义。因此不要把考试看成是一件很糟糕的事情,我们需要放松和学到东西。 |