发表于 2016-7-2 20:29:21
(12虹口)In most menageries, animals were kept in small dirty cages. However, in modern zoos, animals are kept in habitats(栖息地) that look like 81 areas.
81. A) native B) narrow C) natural D) national
举个这例子,如果这样出题。这位男士很______,每次和女生一起出去逛街的时候都会为女生拉开商场大门,直到身边所有的女生都通过。假设选项如下A good B nice C gentle D handsome 你会如何选?很多学生会选good, 觉得good是万能词,但这里错了,完形填空一定要基于语境,选择一个最适合,最具体,不是最宽泛的词语。因而C gentle 很绅士是最佳答案。
(12虹口)People who 85 animal rights don’t like the display of animals in zoos. But other people feel that zoos care for and protect the animals. They feel that this is why many exotic species are still alive today.
85. A) play a trick on B) get tired of C) pay attention to D) go on with
(2011长宁一模)Sammy Liu, a six-year-old boy from Kowloon, has become a hero recently . One day he used the family’s ________ to stop a robbery.
A.radio B.computer C.recorder D.telephone
后文都在说关于电脑使用,这里选择A C D显然不合适,文章里根本就没有提到收音机,录音机和电话,虽然电话也能用来报警,但是一定要基于原文的场景。
5. 平行并列原则
完形填空文章很多时候是围绕一个话题展开,每个段落有的时候发展模式都是差不多的,前面提到如果首句设空,除了关注到后面的例子,还不妨可以关注下一段首句或者再下下段首句。类似的如果某段末句设空不妨也可以关注一下下面一段的末句。例如有一篇文章是讨论积极态度给生活、工作、健康带来的好处,其中第二段末句这么写:with an active _______, you can overcome all the difficulties. 需要我们填空。在第三段末句出现了with an active attitude , you can be healthy. 如果学生在阅读的时候关注到这句,使用了“平行原则”,自然就能填出attitude .