Giant pandas should be allowed to die out as they are stuck in an "evolutionary cul-de-sac", according to BBC presenter Chris Packham.
The conservationist, 48, said the species was not strong enough to survive on its own and it would be better to let nature take its course.
"Pandas are my frequent whipping boy," said Mr Packham, a host of Autumnwatch.
"It's big and cute and a symbol of the World Wide Fund for Nature and we pour millions of pounds into panda conservation. I reckon we should pull the plug. Let them go, with a degree of dignity."
He added that money spent on the panda would be better spent on other animals.
Wildlife charities rejected Mr Packham's views, expressed in an interview with Radio Times.
Dr Mark Wright, conservation science advisor at the WWF, said: 'It is a daft thing for Chris to say, and an irresponsible one. "
"Pandas have adapted to where they live. They live in the mountains where there is plenty of the bamboo they want to eat. It's like saying the blue whale is in an evolutional cul-de-sac because it lives in the ocean. "
"Pandas face extinction because of poaching and humans moving into their habitat. If left alone, then they function perfectly well."
Will Travers, chief executive of the Born Free Foundation, insisted people needed to "do what they can to keep wildlife in the wild".
英国动物保护组织“生而自由基金会”(Born Free Foundation)负责人威尔·特拉弗斯坚称,人们应当“尽力让野生动物在野外生长”。
Mr Packham is known for favouring less cuddly animals. He is president of the Bat Conservation Trust and has spoken of his love of insects.